••• The Santa Barbara Bowl announced two more shows: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit (July 26) and Rebelution (August 16).
••• And on April 25, Rob Lowe will bring his one-man show, “Stories I Only Tell My Friends,” to the Granada Theatre. The VIP ticket includes a professional photo taken with Lowe. Perhaps you can use that as a chance to ask how the sale of his beautiful mansion is going.
••• From the county: “Poll worker training for the March 3 Presidential Primary Election is starting Tuesday, February 18, throughout the county, yet the Registrar of Voters office announced it is in need of 26 volunteers to serve as clerks in south county, and more countywide as back-up in case of last minute cancellations. […] To learn more about the poll worker program and training process, go here. To sign up, call 844-259-0348, or email to (Santa Barbara/Goleta/Carpinteria area) [email protected] or (Santa Maria/Lompoc/Santa Ynez area) [email protected]
••• A recent sale of note: The sweet 1948 house at 444 Pimiento Lane in Montecito closed for $3.684 million. It was listed for $3.795 million.
••• “The City has one of the only unprotected free anchorages in So. California,” tweeted the city. “The more boats at anchor means more boats exposed to rough winter conditions, which in turn increases potential for boats on the beach. Read what happens to boats that run aground.” That link includes this passage:
To minimize groundings and accidents, the Waterfront Department instituted the East Beach Mooring Program in 2006. This program created a designated mooring area off East Beach that requires a permit to use. Permits require mooring equipment that is much more robust than a simple anchor. This equipment is also inspected annually. But […] it is still legal for boats to anchor east of the permitted area without a permit. The boats in this unpermitted area, referred to as “Fools Anchorage” because of the exposure to rough conditions, are more often than not, the ones that end up on the beach.
