The residents surrounding Elings should be more concerned about the salaries of the staff and how little is actually spent running the park and enriching the community…
I so agree with you—it was so tacky. He did the same thing to the once-charming Plow and Angel—early 20th century bordello style for both of those spaces… ????????
The two kitchen island trend is so weird. It never looks good and always looks like a glitch in the simulation.
Perhaps I should have been more clear. It doesn’t bother me in the least that you (and others) don’t like going to State Street. To each his own. By the way, I, too, love the Funk Zone, the Waterfront, Milpas (currently hooked on the breakfast burrito at Bajio), and everything else this town has to offer. My issue is with people who endlessly whine about the good ol’ days when State Street was some magical land of milk and honey (ooh, Milk & Honey, another one of my favorites right off State). Telling everyone that State Street is some sort of hell-hole will only keep people away from State Street, furthering its decline. Try to see the good. We can all continue to advocate for improvements, while still enjoying what it has to offer today.
Speaking from Austin, TX. We had an invasion of red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) about 50 years ago. They built mounds in lawns and parks all over the city. Now they are no problem, thanks to biological control. And they are not the terrifying plague that the news media makes them out to be. If a colony of them makes a mound in your lawn, bring a Dutch oven full of water to the boil and dump it on them. Don't bother with pesticides.
Sam, you nailed it, I hope more residents of SB read or hear about this before the city council. I just watched "Newsmakers with JR" on You Tube, Josh Molina adds more to this news story. And Josh also posted a great one on his YT page, "Santa Barbara Talks". Now, my opinion the $250k is a waste of our city reserves to fund a theory that the SB Chamber can somehow increase visitors when we already have "Visit Santa Barbara," and most local businesses are promoting their businesses. . . .
Stupid question, but will the consultants be paid from the withhold wages of the city stuff who were hired to do that job in first place? Otherwise it‘s a great concept, I should talk to my boss and suggest we hire someone extern do my job so i can focus on other things or just chill a bit ????????????
I wish I could upvote or like this! Funny, sad, and too much truth in it.
Erik, thank you for being the only member of the media to point out that the precise location where the scary imported fire ants have been discovered is being withheld from the public. Should I avoid walking my dog on certain trails? Are golfers in danger and, if so, where? What areas should hotel guests, hikers, children avoid?
While tourism remains Santa Barbara's largest industry, what many people don't know is that writing studies and reports for the city is now #2, and projected to eclipse tourism in 2028.....
Oh no. Here we go again. The Chamber of Commerce is the least capable, least effective, most inept org of middle managers around. I suppose there is always the City's staff to outdo them... but it's a close second for the CoC. Nothing they propose or cite is accurate or tenable. They are a cabal of mediocrity. Middle management bureaucrats who showcase the "Peter principle" in real life. Please do not give them any more money, credence or time. These are not creative or entrepreneurial people. They are quite literally, the opposite of those who create and build and forge. Just look at the membership of this org for a view into who makes up the CoC and their actual capabilities. It's insulting that our city staff is so inept that they need to continually hire outside consultants - at the cost of millions a year, to do the very jobs the city staff were hired to do... Where else in society do we promote the least capable and ignore their ineptitude and instead reward them with the highest salaries and the lowest productivity expectations?
Sorry to hear Soap is closing. Wonderful little store. I love their charcoal soaps.
I would read Renée Templeraud on the daily if I could! "A witch on wheels with a capital B" - dying.....
Look at the Disneyland Rick Caruso made of the Miramar. This is a case of one billionaire trying to out do the next billionaire. Just because people have a lot of money doesn’t mean they have a sophisticated good taste. Just saying.
Why surprised? Look at what he did to The historic Montecito Country Club and Coral Casino -Disneyland and Vegas
Okay, I got it, you won't listen to me when I say State street has no appeal to me. And I've lived here long enough to remember State & A, and Carlito's having the only outdoor seating on the street. Guess what, it's still a street. Closed to cars, open to cars, flat & flexible, or some other plan. . . enjoy your time there. I'll stick with the Funk Zone, the Waterfront, the ease of driving to Goleta and shopping there. And I buy more things on Milpas and upper State than downtown State street. PS, I'm a gardener of 35 years here and I don't have a lawn.
I think people are distrustful of his taste levels after some of his other projects.
Only been to MCC once but not impressed. Yeah can’t believe he’s taken away the Plow and Angel and his redesign for the Biltmore sounds tacky.
Love the food in SB but we need some good Chinese.
I hoped that the "...." at the end of the Jonesy's item would imply some ambivalence. But if I'm going to be honest, I think everything about Starbucks—the coffee, the food, the atmosphere—is bad.
This could be an amazing property once done. if done tastefully with the proper landscaping (which i dont doubt is part of the plan, this could be a pretty epic place. I dont understand all the naysayers beating up a plan without envisioning how it could be worked into the property and not even be seen by the locals.
I suspected the platform wouldn’t allow emoji. So, let me go old school… ;-)
OK. So, just to be sure we’re clear: Online ordering at Jonesy’s. Good. Online ordering at Starbucks. Bad. Cool. ???? <— That’s a wink because this post is all in good fun.
It was hideous !!!