Shake Shack Is Said to Be Opening in the Funk Zone

••• Two people commented that the Shake Shack fast-food chain is coming to the Funk Zone—specifically, either 111 E. Yanonali or 202 Anacapa—and from what I have gathered, there’s something to it. No official confirmation yet, though.

••• It doesn’t look like Metropulos has found a buyer for the business, as it’s preparing to sell its equipment.

••• And hopes for Belching Dragon Tavern at 800 State Street (De La Guerra) have dimmed even further; the space is for lease.

••• Tamar is now open for lunch Thursday through Saturday. (The full hours are 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.). Below: baba ganoush with adjika, new to the menu. It’s delicious! But if you order it to go, it gets packaged like the hummus that comes with the platters—the bowl is lidless, inside a cardboard container. Don’t go swinging the bag around.

••• High Seas Mead‘s taproom has opened, serving mead and cider on Powers Avenue (behind the Hilton Santa Barbara). —Independent

••• This Saturday, January 27, Na Na Thai is coming to cook at Third Window starting at 3 p.m. We can likely expect fried chicken, khao soi (yellow curry) over rice, papaya salad, and roti.

••• A profile of Brass Bird Coffee in Carpinteria. —Independent

••• M. pointed out that the recent roundup of forthcoming restaurants should’ve included Tyler Winery‘s tasting room in the former Fresco Cafe space on E. Canon Perdido. I wasn’t sure the plans included food, but they do: “As we open, there will be a small selection of food offered—enough to either have a snack, or piece together enough to have a simple meal,” said Tyler’s Justin Willett. “As we get open and going, the plan is to be able to offer a more significant service in addition to the wines we offer.”


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Sam Tababa

Shake Shack will be the busiest restaurant in the area, for good reason. Their burgers are phenomenal.


what makes their burgers different Sam? Never been to a Shake Shack- just had my first Five Guys, which I found better than I expected…..though Priedite still trumps anything I’ve tried


The Shake Shack burger is much closer to the burger you get at Third Window – in fact Shake Shack really kick started this crispy/smashed burger craze across the country, and likely had some inspiration in the Third Window version. Having had both – I actually think Third Window’s version is better, and I like that Third Window has traditional fries whereas Shake Shake has waffle cut fries. But, you can get a proper malted vanilla milkshake at Shake Shack, and that’s my jam. In the ideal world, you’d pick up a shake from Shake Shack and then have the burger and fries at Third Window. I’m sure the Shake Shake location will be overwhelmingly successful though, and good on them.


Not familiar with TW but SS is by far the best, burger, milkshake combo on the planet. 5 guys is pretty close for burgers but their milkshakes don’t compare. Best SS on the planet was at Hong Kong although AZ was a close 2nd. I can’t wait for them to get here,


Great! Another chain coming in to our funk zone. Just what we all need????!!


Love both shake shack and third window… But third window is far superior, as it should be, considering they are handcrafted, and use higher and ingredients.

Shake shack has crinkle cut fries, not waffle… And I think they’re the best fast food fries around. But third window fries are great too.


I believe the 3rd Window owner’s husband is related to the Neiman Ranch family, so that’ll be the reason for the high quality meat, they get a really good deal on beef


No, it’s nothing like Third Window. LMAO. Theres NO WAY Shake Shack could source the quality of meat that TW does, and TW makes a very specific type of burger taken from a regional classic and made famous by a YouTube burger influencer. Nobody does it like TW. And what’s next, a Taco Bell drive thru?


They sure do- but honestly I need fries….and while it’s no where near the flavor profile of Priedite- the burgers at Charlies in Los Alamos are danm good- the mushroom burger! The cheeseburger is so good- the shredduce/pickle/special sauce/toasted bun is so close to a Jalama Burger- its criminal….
