Santa Barbara County Allows Organized Sports to Restart

••• A year into the pandemic, the county is starting to crack down a bit on Covid-19 scofflaws: “The county has now issued formal Notice to Comply letters to 22 food facilities and conducted two administrative hearings.” And regarding gyms, there has been “one ‘unfair competition’ injunction filed thus far and five more cases referred to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.” The county hasn’t named any of the alleged offenders. —Independent

••• “The Santa Barbara County Public Health Department announced Tuesday […] the return of high school sports. […] With the county’s adjusted case rate below the 14 per 100,000 threshold (13), high-contact sports can resume practice. Weekly testing will be required for coaches and football, rugby, and water polo players 13 years and older. Test results must be available within 24 hours of any competition. Athletes and coaches must wear masks.” —KSBY (The health order actually extends beyond high schools: “Organized youth and adult sports may start in Santa Barbara County, with safety modifications, outlined in recent state guidance. The guidance applies to all organized youth and adult sports, including school, community programs, private clubs and leagues.”)

••• Santa Barbara’s Historic Landmarks Commission had many objections to “the city’s proposal to run a fat wad of [hideous] green paint down the middle of Sola Street as part of the hard-fought battle to create a new safe cycling route connecting the city’s Eastside and Westside. […] The proposed Sola Street Paseo [would also] require some motorists to dog-leg off of Sola Street at certain intersections. Some HLC members objected to any change to the city’s historic grid. Others objected more to what they described as the ‘goofy’ aesthetics of the proposed plan.” It just shouldn’t be hard to make it look good. —Independent

••• Sure enough, Montecito residents don’t love the aesthetics of the new sidewalk on Hot Springs. The Montecito Journal article (not online) on the topic says that “residents on upper Hot Springs are being noticed now for the expansion of the pathway.” I’ve reached out to the county’s Public Works Department to find out how far up the street the sidewalks will go, but in the meantime, if you receive a notification about the project, please send it to me at [email protected]. UPDATE 3/4: I heard back from Public Works: “The project will start 300 feet east of Oak Road on Hot Springs and then continue north to East Valley Road. Work should start in late April to early May. It’s very similar to the work that recently occurred on Hot Springs and it will continue the pedestrian path created last year along Olive Mill Road to increase connectivity and enhance recent work by the Bucket Brigade to create a walkable community. Construction work will include moving the curb out towards the road about three to four feet and constructing a path along the shoulder, resurfacing the damaged roadway, and replacing drainage facilities damaged by the debris flow.”

••• “Santa Barbara County is narrowing down potential cannabis retail storefront locations. On Monday, the County’s Business Licensing Team released its short list of locations in unincorporated areas. There are two possible locations near Carpinteria on Santa Claus Lane, two near Santa Barbara, six near Goleta, three near Santa Ynez, two near Los Alamos and five near Orcutt.” —KEYT

••• “The popular Field of Light display at Sensorio in Paso Robles is set to reopen this year, with a new attraction to illuminate the night. The new Light Towers installation was created by artist Bruce Munro and was designed as a tribute to the North County’s wine country. The col­or­ful 6‑foot-tall light tow­ers are made up of more than 17,000 wine bot­tles, illu­mi­nat­ed with glow­ing optic fibers whose col­ors morph to a mov­ing musi­cal score.” I guess it’s an attempt to lure people back for a second visit. —KEYT


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