••• Edhat has scary video of a rockslide near Mesa Beach—it’s a handy reminder not to loiter right under the cliffs.
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••• You can follow all the details of the tragic story of the fire aboard the Conception on various media outlets (including the L.A. Times, which has an article about the victims). Personally, while my heart goes out to everyone who lost someone, I find it too hard, and I get uncomfortable about how such an incident gets turned into a sort of entertainment.
••• The Montecito Journal‘s account of the Montecito Association’s recent Land Use Committee meeting notes that the design for the Olive Mill roundabout is based on the assumption of a new southbound 101 onramp at Cabrillo, which is “slated as the last phase of the freeway widening project.” Consequently, there are fears of years of bottlenecking at the roundabout. (I made the mistake of reading the paper’s letters section, where “Friends of San Ysidro Road” wrote, “I have never seen a cyclist of a pedestrian going through the Hot Springs roundabout.” WelI, I certainly have, and I’ve ridden a bike through it myself many times. It’s harrowing, because the bike lane abruptly ends and you’re funneled into the circle with cars, many of whose drivers seem hazy on the rules.)
••• At the same meeting, many locals voiced concerns about Pat Nesbitt’s helipads in Carpinteria. Nesbitt, says the Montecito Journal, “has admitted that he has been illegally landing helicopters on his property for 25 years, and is now asking forgiveness to legalize continued use, asking for a helistop with two landing zones to be used for personal use and emergency services.”
••• Eleven 14, the “craft house and kitchen” in the old Viva space at La Arcada on State Street, opens today, according to an ad in the Independent. Here’s the menu.
