••• As of Saturday afternoon, “there are now 385 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Santa Barbara County. There have also been 4 [total] coronavirus-related deaths in the county. 149 of the confirmed cases are recovering at home, 41 people are hospitalized, and 14 of those are in the ICU. 170 of those who have tested positive are considered to be fully recovered and additional cases are pending. At least 49 of those positive cases are health care workers, according to Santa Barbara County Public Health Director Van Do-Reynoso. At least 69 inmates and 22 employees have tested positive for Covid-19 at the Lompoc Prison, according to the Bureau of Prisons.” —KEYT
••• “As a coronavirus outbreak at the federal prison in Lompoc continues to grow, Santa Barbara County Public Health is ramping up its surge plan to ease local hospitals. […] The County, meanwhile, is developing a backup plan in case the prison outbreak overwhelms space available at local hospitals.” —KEYT
••• From a Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office press release on Edhat: “Sheriff Bill Brown announced today that an inmate in the Santa Barbara County Jail has tested positive for Covid-19.”
••• Newsmakers with Jerry Roberts has a video/podcast interview with Santa Barbara County supervisor Gregg Hart about local effects of Covid-19.
••• “A magnitude 3.3 earthquake struck with a sharp thud early Sunday […] at 1:34 a.m. and was centered in the Santa Ynez Mountains 7½ miles northeast of Carpinteria.” —Noozhawk
••• “The City of Carpinteria has closed beach-end parking lots to help slow the spread of Covid-19. This includes lots on Linden, Elm, Holly and Ash avenues, along with the diagonal parking spaces on Linden Avenue south of the railroad tracks.” —KEYT
