De La Guerra Plaza Sent Back to the Drawing Board

••• The city’s Historic Landmarks Commission weighed in on the plan to redo De La Guerra Plaza, and the members would like a lot of changes (including getting rid of the splash pad). —Santa Barbara News-Press

••• “Members of the Santa Barbara County Fire Chiefs Association have come up with potential solutions to address three major fire-safety concerns on a regional level, with the goal of creating a set of standards to take to policymakers. The association created three workgroups to tackle the issues of access and parking at county trailheads and beaches, dispersed camping, and fire and safety concerns associated with homeless encampments.” For the latter, the suggestions are more inspections, more education for the homeless and related agencies, a deeper look at enforcement rules, increased vegetation management, and “creating areas or campgrounds in open space where the houseless population can gather that would have restroom facilities and trash service.” —Noozhawk

••• The Independent profiles Khalid Al Naser, “the product director for Raw Garden, one of the largest cannabis companies in California […] with two farms along Santa Rosa Road in the Sta. Rita Hills and one outside of Los Alamos.”

••• Q&A with the county’s principal cannabis analyst, Brittany Heaton. —Montecito Journal (article not online)

••• A look at the recently passed Proposition 19, which will let “homeowners who are 55 years old or older, severely disabled, or whose home was substantially damaged by wildfire or a natural disaster to transfer the property tax base of their primary residence to a new (replacement) primary residence anywhere within California within two years, regardless of the value of the replacement property.” —Montecito Journal (article not online)

••• “The largest housing project yet to be proposed for Milpas Street got slammed last week by the city’s Architectural Board of Review. Some members found the design details for the proposed four-story apartment complex—to be located at 711 N. Milpas Street—so busy as to be almost ‘random,’ in the words of one commissioner.” —Independent


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