April 24, 2022
Tag: Pershing Park

Montecito Homeowners Fight Effort to Reclaim Hot Springs Trailhead Parking
Other recent news: Who will donate the last $50,000 for the Plaza Del Mar bandshell?; Santa Barbara Airport, Amtrak, and city buses drop mask requirement; the Montecito Journal's new spinoff magazine; Carpinteria Skate Park moves forward; FAA revokes license of asinine YouTube pilot; drama at the Montecito Sanitary District; Goleta motel to become permanent housing for the homeless. 2
December 7, 2020
August 23, 2020
Recent Comments
The quagmire that is State St epitomizes everything wrong with our local government. They are completely incapable of governing or even managing and exist to… — Sam Tababa
I agree. This writer exudes privilege and is so annoying. "Move the hotel"( with its underwhelming lobby) because it's so noisy? Boo hoo, you couldn't… — Cindy
When State Street was closed to car traffic in May 2020 during Covid, it was intended to be a pedestrian walkway, locals (and tourists) loved… — Peewee
Tell us you’re not a local without saying you’re from …..#keepLA100milesaway — Christine!
Well, myexleriences there were quite different in June. But Italian is my first language, even though it had been 24 years since my last visit… — Chris
It is always funny reading Modugno's weekly rant. Old guys never bring anything good to the table. — TJ
Brava Jennifer. I would have added Did you walk up the narrow stairs in the Monastary, turn a corner and be struck dumb by the… — Barbara cronin
Go to Florence anytime but holidays and Summer. Read up so you know what you'll encounter. Be prepared for long lines and waits; you're visiting… — Chad Johnson 85
You did not capture the magic of Florence. I’m sorry you did not have that experience. — Barbara cronin
The area is inherently walkable. We have multiple existing paseos which already create vehicle free corridors, and if anything feel safer than the "pedestrian promenade"… — BW