••• A popular Malibu seafood restaurant plans to open in Santa Barbara.
••• Corazón’s outpost at the Project has closed.
••• A local restaurant requires proof of vaccination or a negative test for indoor dining.
••• Padaro Beach Grill reopening forecast.
••• XO Burger expands its hours.
••• A profile of Sideyard Shrubs.
••• Peasant Deli’s soft-opening pop-ups.
••• The area’s Habit fast-food joints have been sold.
→ Read the post.


Last week’s sales: $26.5 million for Sea Meadow oceanfront; an E. Mountain Drive house with parking for 23 cars; a Hope Ranch flip; off-market in Birnam Wood; a cutie on Eucalyptus Hill; vacant land on the Lower Riviera; and more. See what sold—and for how much.

••• 250-room Funk Zone hotel shows signs of life.
••• Al Franken will be at the Lobero.
••• Trombone Shorty’s Voodoo Threauxdown coming to the Santa Barbara Bowl.
••• The history of Santa Claus Lane.
••• Funky Hope Ranch barn house gets another big price cut.
••• Container ships off the coast.
→ Read the post.

Last January, Santa Barbara Junior High’s historic wooden flagpole had to be removed after someone tried to cut it down with a saw. When will it be replaced? Here’s the answer.
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Recent Comments
I'm sorry to hear that. — Victoria
This location has changed hands so much- it was called something else! — Victoria
156 acres for $511,000??? I need the agent who pulled that off to make it happen for me too please — M
Two 4 story buildings at Sears. Seriously, 4 story!! — PDT
Everything at Bossies is delicious and the baked goods are superb! A crucial addition to our food scene. — Brett
500 anacapa st, at eos — Jo B.
The owner/chef was ill for some months so they were closed. They are open again at night and weekend lunch. All organic. Wonderful food! — G
City Kitchen used to be at that location and they were my favorite breakfast restaurant. I still miss that place. — Jason
Why not have the trolleys to go up and down State St? Seems like that would solve the issue for visitors who forgo the long… — NJH
Prices kinda suck though. — Mike Hunt