Closure of Los Padres National Forest Extended Again

••• The closure of Los Padres National Forest, including the front-country trails, has been extended again, this time through October 1. Above: La Jolla Trail.

••• After the state said it was OK, the county allowed nail salons and “physician-ordered electrolysis” to reopen indoor operations.

••• The Montecito Board of Architectural Review agenda for October 1 includes two new houses—280 Butterfly Lane and 2145 Alisos Drive—that will involve demolition of the existing structures. The photos below might be out of date.

••• Meanwhile, the October 2 agenda for the Agricultural Preserve Advisory Committee includes more cannabis farming in Carpinteria: “Consider the request of H&H Environmental, agent for the owner, Brand Land Holdings, LLC and Tadd McKenzie, of Case No. 20CDP-00000-00045 regarding the indoor cannabis processing, distribution, and associated uses in the existing agricultural operation instead of the present crop of cut flowers [….] The affected property is 9.84 acres identified as Assessor’s Parcel Number 001-020-006, zoned AG-I-10 with an A-I-10 Comprehensive Plan designation located at 5360 Foothill Road.”

••• From the city: “Through October 5, the City of Santa Barbara Fire Department will be conducting fuels reduction at Skofield Park using sheep to graze overgrown vegetation. Approximately 100 sheep will spend the next 2 weeks thinning overgrowth on 7 acres in the southern section of the park.”

••• Sansum Clinic CEO Kurt Ransohoff sent out another of his well-written updates on the Covid-19 situation. You can read it here.

••• You may recall that I encouraged you to contact our state representatives to urge them to support A.B. 1788, a bill banning anticoagulant rat poison, which kills much more than rats in a horrible way. (If you have bait boxes on your property, you’re part of the problem.) The bill is now with Governor Newsom, so if you’re feeling inclined, give his office a call at 916-445-2841. (And yes, I did.) P.S. Don’t look at the second image below if you’re not prepared to see what the poison does.


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RAT POISON & THE ENVIRONMENT: This male Bobcat was treated by Wildlife Care of Southern California @wildlifecareofsocal before he died and weighed in at 8 lbs where he should have weighed at least 20lbs – he was extremely dehydrated and anemic, he didn’t have a chance. It has been proven by the National Park Service that big cats are predisposed to mange (through a compromised immune system), by ingesting poisoned rodents. The poison is stored in the liver further compromising the body; once the mites take hold and multiply in this weakened state, the bobcat’s immune system cannot fight the shear numbers of mites as they literally suck the life out of him. Rodenticides don’t just kill rodents — they also kill the animals that prey on rats and mice, including imperiled species like spotted owls, San Joaquin kit foxes and mountain lions. Recently several of Southern California’s big cats, including this Bobcat, have been found dead with multiple super-toxic rat poisons in their bloodstreams. The California Ecosystems Protection Act (A.B. 1788) would greatly restrict second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides — the most toxic class of rat poisons — throughout the state. There’s a wide range of safer alternatives on the market today that don’t pose such dangers and will have a better chance of success if the bill becomes law. Let’s get this lifesaving bill over the finish line. Urge Gov. Newsom to sign A.B. 1788 and at last rein in the use of super-toxic rat poisons in California. – – – – #wildlifewednesday #protectnature #protectbigcats #protectecosystems #wildlifecare #california #saynotoratpoison #nomorerodenticide #protectbirds #protecttheforest #wildlifeconservation #bobcat #californiawildlife Photo credit Anna Reams

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