Potential Highway 101 Wildlife Crossing Near Gaviota

••• The Gaviota rest area on northbound Highway 101 reopened the other day, then immediately closed again within an hour “due to issues with the water line. A Caltrans spokesperson says the mechanical issues in the water supply line are outside of Caltrans'[s] control and there is no timeframe for when they may be able to reopen the northbound side of the rest area.” —KSBY

••• “Potential Wildlife Crossing in the Works Near Gaviota […] Caltrans Applied for $10 Million Grant for Wildlife Corridor [under Highway 101] for Mule Deer and Mountain Lions.” —Independent

••• The final two installments in the story of how the Child Estate became the Santa Barbara Zoo in “one of the greatest community service projects of all time.” Overstatement much? —Noozhawk (and here)

••• The tree of the month is the Mediterranean Fan Palm: “It is very drought-tolerant and can survive temperatures above 115 degrees F; it is also remarkably cold-tolerant and can sustain temperatures as low as 10 degrees F.” —Edhat

••• “Jim Buckley, founder and former editor of the Montecito Journal, opened a new publication called the Santa Barbara Current on November 15. The blog-style website will address ‘libertarian, conservative, and (dare I say?) common-sense bent’ readers. The publisher is Russia stocks analyst James Fenkner, who […] came to public attention when he battled a group hired by the Santa Barbara Unified School District for racial sensitivity training, which Fenkner’s group viewed as overly ‘woke’ anti-bias training.” —Independent

••• “The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County, The Nature Conservancy, and the Department of Defense teamed up to add protections to the Dangermond Preserve. […] The Dangermond Preserve includes more than 24,000 acres of land in Santa Barbara County, including eight miles of coastline in the Point Conception area.” —KCLU (photo courtesy the Nature Conservancy)


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Montecito Journal was painful to read under the previous editor/publisher. His long written diatribes in letters to the editor section was almost comical. A much more enjoyable and sane publication now.

Sam Tababa

Buckley is the epitome of the American libertarian. Basically a house cat. Completely dependent on others and a system they cant fathom, but fully convinced of their own independence and abilities…

I read his opening opine for this new ‘blog’. Sure enough it wouldn’t be a Buckley without a mention of his savior and saint, Ronald Reagan. Our first reality TV POTUS, but sadly not our last… Buckley sure does love his revisionist history, doesnt he?

This cadre of fine folk are real, actual Selfawarewolves. However I for one am happy to have them in the discord. After all, what’s funnier than wealthy middle/old aged white guys complaining about how hard it is to be a wealthy middle aged/older white guy in a society ruled by wealthy middle aged/older white guys?

Dan O. Seibert

I’m happy to see Jim Buckley show up. He gave me a life changing break as publisher of MJ, but’s that another story. I liked the look of the old MJ better, the ink was darker and the type was bigger. And yes as Sam says, I’m a older white guy but I’m a gardener, not a rich old guy. . . .


Bravo to the return of Jim Buckley. He boldly challenges government leaders to get to the root of problems that never go away.

Doug B

I just spent some time over at SB Current. We only moved here four years ago so I’m not familiar with Jim Buckley, but I like hearing from all sides and consider myself to have a “common-sense bent” so I was curious to see what he had to say. If the initial articles (and comments from readers) are any indication, I probably won’t be going back. Just another grievance-riddled right-wing echo chamber. The column “Saving the Vote” was particularly cringeworthy – it reads like it was plagiarized from Tucker Carlson.
