November 23, 2021
Burning Questions
November 11, 2021
October 4, 2021
May 30, 2021
May 24, 2021
May 17, 2021

Is Timbers Restaurant in Goleta Really Going to Reopen?
"I believe it's owned by Sandy Boyd, who founded two chain restaurants/cafés in California: Espresso Roma and Fresh Choice. But nothing much seems to have been done with it, at least from what you can see from the highway. Maybe there’s an interesting story here?" —S. Indeed, there is—and a local restaurant has plans to open soon. 1
April 15, 2021
April 5, 2021
February 18, 2021
January 19, 2021

What’s Up With the “No E-Bike” Signs on Local Trails?
"A friend saw these signs today, and they make no sense to us," wrote PJ. "Mountain bikers only use pedal assist while going uphill—going downhill, without pedal assist, they're going at the same speed as a friction bike. (Even with pedal assist, you can't go fast uphill as it’s too steep in Santa Barbara.) Wondering if you know anything...." 5
Recent Comments
@Sean 1. sounds expensive, being next to cars will slow them down. 2.&3. Shuttle can't operate off an official street. That's why the city is… — Jefferson A
@Jefferson, I appreciate the dialogue, truly, as I share many of your objectives, but just differ on how to get there. IMO... 1. Address ebikes… — Sean
I would add, if cars are brought back there is nothing stopping the city from closing the 500-600 blocks (or wherever) for Th,Fri,Sat evenings when… — Jefferson A
The number and speed of ebikes going down State far exceeds that of actual bike riders. It's a legitimate safety issue. What would bringing cars… — Jefferson A.
+1! — Sean
Hahahaha. This is a joke post right? People complaining about SB like it’s some sort of hell hole need to go live somewhere else for… — AFC
I support a vision of Santa Barbara that's also bike-friendly and a car-free State Street fills the gap we have in a North/South Class 1… — Sean
I find it very interesting when you delve into the different neighborhoods. Each one has such a different personality, and you capture it nicely with… — tony
I enjoyed the walk with you through Florence and Venice. I've been to both cities but always interested in travel experiences. — Janet Jensen
The quagmire that is State St epitomizes everything wrong with our local government. They are completely incapable of governing or even managing and exist to… — Sam Tababa